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Lostrokk's Roblox Rampage Logo

Monday, June 25, 2012

Place Review: Survive The 87 Disasters!

For most people in Roblox.  This game is a complete classic.  Earning over 11 million visits, this game truly is a towering success.  Since this is my first Place Review, I'm going to dive right into it.  These reviews will be sometimes longer than other types of articles, as I wish to cover more in these.

Design: I love how the map changes every so often, to mix things up a bit.  I wish they had more structures in some of the maps.  But it's still good that TheFurryFox added a map changer. 9/10.

Scripting: Definitely beyond average.  Some of the disasters could use a bit more tweaking (not that I could name any), but overall a nicely scripted game. 10/10.

Gameplay:  A REAL well-built place right here.  I have seen some people try to make games similar to this, but the original stands over all.  The disasters come by the dozens, and the gameplay is constant.  TheFurryFox even added a little shop!  It really gives a small motivation to work towards, such as a grappling hook or skateboard.  Some of the disasters are buggy, but that doesn't change my opinion at all, as he releases patches constantly.  11/10!

Very nice game, indeed.  Any Robloxian that hasn't tried this game yet should try it.  An awesome game that everyone should know and love.

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